Android Training

Android Training Course
For College Students & Working Professionals

Apps make phones “smart”. Android is a mobile multitasking operating system used in smartphones, tablets, readers, consoles, TVs, and even domestic robots.

Make a career in Android Application Development. Join Sphere InfoTech and learn with our highly qualified and experienced faculty.

Duration: 5-6 Months
Fees: 15,500/-

1. 1 Java Features
1. 2 Polymorphism
1.3 Encapsulation
1.4 Abstraction
1.5 Inheritance
1. 6 Classes and Objects
1. 7 Interface
1.8 Packages
1.9 Use of super, this, static, final keywords
1.10 Exception Handling
2. 1 Introduction to Android
2. 2 History
2. 3 Open Handset Alliance
2. 4 Android Devices
2. 5 OS Architecture
2. 6 DVM
2. 7 Setup Development Environment
2. 8 Android Studio
2. 9 Creating Hello World Application
2. 10 AVD & SDK
2. 11 Android Virtual Device
2. 12 Running Application
2. 13 Android Development Tools
2. 14 Android Manifest
2. 15 Resources
2. 16 Creating Resources
2. 17 Building Blocks of Android
2. 18 Activity Lifecycle
3. 1 Introducing Views
3.2 Linear Layout
3.3 Relative Layout
3. 4 Table Layout
3.5 Grid Layout
3.6 Frame Layout
3. 7 Text View
3.8 Edit Text
3.9 Button
3. 10 Image View
3.11 Checkbox
3.12 Radiobox
3. 13 Progress Bar
3.14 Seek Bar
3.15 Rating Bar
3. 16 WebView
3.17 Date & Time Picker
3.18 ListView
3.19 Spinners
3.20 Recycler View
3.21 CardView
3. 22 Activity Menu
3.23 Context Menu
3.24 Sub Menu
3.25 Alert Box
3.26 Toast
4. 1 Shared Preferences
4. 2 Database with SQLite
4. 3 Cursor
4. 4 Advanced SQLite
5. 1 Fragments
5. 2 Location
5. 3 Maps
5. 4 Timer
5. 5 Animations
5. 6 Downloading
5. 7 Audio
5. 8 Video
5. 9 Background Services
5. 10 Broadcast receiver
5. 11 ActionBar
5. 12 Uploading
6. 1 Json Parsing
6. 2 Get Json data with Web Services(API)
7. 1 Using Camera
7. 2 Bluetooth
7. 3 Wi-Fi
7. 4 Call and SMS
7. 5 Notes
7. 6 Weather
8. 1 How to Use External Libraries in Android
9. 1 HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Core PHP, MySQL
9. 2 Work on Project
9. 3 How to live an application on Playstore