Python for Kids

Python for Kids

Python is a programming language which is used for developing web applications. It can automate specific series of tasks, making it more efficient. Consequently, Python is often used in software applications, pages within a web browser, the shells of operating systems and some games.

Learn the fundamentals of Python to build a successful interest and ability to develop games.

Duration: 2 Months
Fees: 9,500/-

1. 1 What is Computer Coding?
1. 2 What is a Computer Code?
1. 3 What are the uses of writing a Code?
1. 4 Basic Coding elements
2. 1 Introduction to Python
2. 2 Installing Python
2. 3 Display Output
3. 1 Variables
3.2 String
3.3 Number
3. 4 Comments
3.5 Lists
3.6 Tuples
3.7 Dictionaries
3.8 Input-Output Functions
3.9 Conditional Statements
3.10 Looping
3.11 Control Statements
3.12 Functions
3.13 Modules
4. 1 Develop raw structure of a game
4. 2 Analyze and Create the game logic
4. 3 Develop the game Quiz/ Tic Tac Toe/ Rolling the Dice