Python for Youngsters

Python for Youngsters

Python is a general-purpose coding language—which means that, unlike HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, it can be used for other types of programming and software development besides web development. That includes back end development, software development, data science and writing system scripts among other things

Learn the fundamentals of Python to build a successful interest and ability to develop games.

Duration: 3 Months
Fees: 12,500/-

1. 1 What is Computer Coding?
1. 2 What is a Computer Code?
1. 3 What are the uses of writing a Code?
1. 4 Basic Coding elements
2. 1 Introduction to Python
2. 2 Installing Python
2. 3 Display Output
3. 1 Variables
3.2 String
3.3 Number
3. 4 Comments
3.5 Lists
3.6 Tuples
3.7 Dictionaries
3.8 Input-Output Functions
3.9 Conditional Statements
3.10 Looping
3.11 Control Statements
3.12 Functions
3.13 Modules
3.14 OOPs Concepts
3.15 Classes and Instances
3.16 Inheritance
3.17 Importing Classes
3.18 Python Libraries
3.19 Working with Files
3.20 Exceptions
3.21 Storing Data
3.22 Testing your Code
4. 1 Introduction to HTML5
4.2 Basic HTML tags
4.3 New HTML5 Elements
4. 4 HTML formatting
4.5 HTML Attributes
4.6 Images
4.7 Lists
4.8 Links
4.9 Forms
5. 1 Introduction to CSS
5.2 Types of CSS
5.3 Basic CSS Propertiees
5. 4 Selectors
5.5 CSS Box Model
5.6 Positions
5.7 CSS Navigation Bar
5.8 CSS Tooltip
5.9 CSS Dropdown
5.10 CSS Animations
6. 1 Introduction to JavaScript
6.2 Basic Syntax
6.3 Form Validation
6. 4 jQuery
7. 1 Develop raw structure of a game
7. 2 Analyze and Create the game logic
7. 3 Develop the game Quiz/ Tic Tac Toe/ Rolling the Dice